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Home2023_10 Management Philosophies Symposium

Management Philosophies Symposium

Houston Strategy Forum

Management Philosophies Symposium

Theme:“Intensifying Value-Creation”

Tuesday, October 31, 2023 ● 11:30 AM to 3:30 PM ● Petroleum Club, Downtown Houston

Book Your Seat/Table Before We Sell Out!

Chevron bought Hess. It follows ExxonMobil buying Pioneer.

How would you compare the Management Philosophies of bp, Chevron, ExxonMobil and Shell?

What is core, non-negotiable to these companies' management philosophy that does not change no matter the commodity cycle? What would you learn from their philosophies?

The major airlines battle each other for market share and vigorously change prices and benefits to court customers.

As a customer, do you see a distinction between their management philosophies? What is core, non-negotiable to these companies' management philosophy that does not change no matter the economic cycle?

Book Your Seat/Table Before We Sell Out!

Includes breakfast and lunch for all attendees.

Exclusive Wine Reception for Members and Sponsors
at the end of the symposium.

For Fees Info scroll below

Sponsorship Opportunities

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Detailed Description

Symposium Context

Increasing Value-Creation Exponentially

When a rough diamond is cut masterfully, its brilliance shines through, and its value increases dramatically. Cutting and polishing a diamond takes a sophisticated strategy, extreme skill and careful execution.

Companies are similar to diamonds. Only when their management philosophies are masterfully and thoughtfully crystallized does their brilliance begin to shine through and their success exponentially increases in the marketplace.

What are Management Philosophies?

Management philosophies encompass the business model and the non-negotiable aspects of a business that do not change regardless of economic cycles and marketplace changes. Management philosophies are part of the Business-DNA, they are part of the Company’s Foundation.

If you have weak, unstated or unclear management philosophies, you will never achieve the value-creation you envision.

If you study the greatest companies and countries in history, you will come to appreciate that the most critical cornerstone in their longevity and success was their management philosophies/Business-DNA.

Mediocre companies struggle with perennial strategic confusion, dysfunction and flawed execution because they do not invest the time and intellectual effort needed to crystallize their management philosophies. These companies work very hard, yet they struggle to achieve the results they desire.

Why Attend?

• Come to understand what are management philosophies and how it impacts the very foundation, the core building blocks of your company?

• Learn from other leaders how they have worked on defining their management philosophies so that their companies stand out from the competition.

• Crystallizing management philosophies is challenging work. Learn from other companies the mistakes they have made in understanding their true management philosophies and the epiphanies they have had.

• Bring your management team — this discussion will force your team to go through an introspection like no other discussion. This is business soul-searching at its best. It will set the stage for your strategic success in 2024.

Invite your management team and clients for this super-important and highly relevant discussion.

We are looking forward to a powerful discussion with:

Panel Discussion

• Mr. Tommy Najar, Executive Vice President, CRA

• Mr. Kyle Howard, President, EnSiteUSA

• Mr. Ryan Hummer, Chief Executive Officer, NCS Multistage

• Mr. Erik Wiik, President, ReAdapt

• Ms. Stephanie Hertzog, President, SiteOne

Our Unique Format

What Makes Us Different?

Houston Strategy Forum events are innovative. No speeches. No PowerPoint presentations. They are open and down-to-earth discussions with our speakers. Our format is a relaxed, intimate, fireside-style chat. And, always unscripted!

Over the years, we have had top CEOs and executives share their deepest thoughts and feelings that you would never hear in a regular conference. We respect and value that interaction greatly — it is what makes us the preeminent discussion forum.

Our business talk show format facilitates an energetic, meaningful, and respectful exchange of ideas between our speakers and attendees. Our goal is to get a majority of the attendees to contribute to the discussion. When that happens — it creates magic!

We receive rave reviews about our format both from our speakers and attendees.

To encourage an open and candid discussion we follow Chatham House rules.   


Visionary Sponsors

How Cohesive is Your Company?
- A Leadership Parable

Pacesetter Sponsors

Growth Sponsors

Innovation Sponsors

Fee Schedule

Sign up to save your seat or table.

Category          Fees
Visitor   $499
Priority-Table Seat   $799
Head-Table Seat + Private Reception (Sponsorship addon)   $2999
Table of 10 - Priority Placement   $6999
General Member   $399
Strategic Members $0

3% credit card fees apply.

Do Not Miss This Opportunity:
1. Build relationships with Houston's top executives
2. Contribute your ideas and thoughts to the discussion
3. Learn from our speakers through a vigorous and interactive discussion

Invite your team and your clients to this discussion.

Sign up while seats are still available!

Includes breakfast and lunch for all attendees.

Exclusive Wine Reception for Members and Sponsors
at the end of the symposium.

Book Your Seat/Table Before We Sell Out!

Join our Mailing ListJoin us as a member Membership Levels

Cancellation, Miscellaneous Information


For VISITORS: Sorry, we do not offer refunds to visitors or prospective members. You are welcome to send a substitute. A substitution charge of $50 applies. To register the substitute, use the registration category, "Substituting for a Visitor." On the next page of registration, indicate the name of the person whom you are substituting.

FOR GENERAL MEMBERS: If you let us know at least one week prior, we will credit your HSF account for the fees, so you can apply the fees toward a future event.

FOR STRATEGIC MEMBERS: Strategic Members attend all events for no charge (if registered in time). Since Strategic Membership is tied to specific individuals, substitutions are not allowed if you cannot make it to the event.

Dress Code: Business Professional


Houston Strategy Forum expects professional conduct from all attendees.

Please come to learn and participate in the discussion and be respectful of other executives in attendance.

Houston Strategy Forum reserves the right to deny admission to the event, ask an individual or group to leave the event, and exclude from electronic lists and communication, any individual or organization.


By registering for the event, you provide the Houston Strategy Forum your consent to be included in photographs and video recording of the event.


The opinions expressed by speakers and attendees are their own only, and not the Houston Strategy Forum's. Any business concepts, issues and ideas discussed may not be applicable in your situation. Houston Strategy Forum makes no claims about the completeness, accuracy or applicability of any discussion. Please seek professional business help to implement any change in your business or career.

Directions and Parking

35th Floor
Total Plaza
1201 Louisiana
Houston, TX 77002

Driving Directions
The new location of the Petroleum Club is 1201 Louisiana Street, Total Plaza. It is east from the Hyatt Regency and south of the CenterPoint building, at the intersection with Dallas street.

The club is located on the 35th floor.

In the interest of your safety, it is always a good idea to pay attention to the surroundings, your possessions and self, when parking your car and approaching any Downtown venue. We recommend valet parking.

Parking: Street metered and private parking lots are available options.

Valet is available on the south side of building and the valet entrance is from Milam street. The cost for valet is $15 with a discount coupon available through us at the event.