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Carbon-Hydrogen Symposium

Houston Strategy Forum

Fifth Semi-Annual
Carbon-Hydrogen Symposium

Theme:“Ground Realities”

Wednesday May 15, 2024 ● 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM ● Petroleum Club, Downtown Houston

Detailed Description

Symposium Context

The year 2020 saw the advent of a keen focus and interest in ESG and decarbonization. It has been three years since and we are seeing a normalization of that intense, perhaps, frenzied focus.

ESG is no longer making headlines. Electric vehicles demand growth is tapering. The biggest fund managers are taking a more balanced and nuanced approach to energy investments, as opposed to throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

In some states, local governments are successful in disallowing new energy projects. On the other hand, EPA has granted primacy to Louisiana. As industries and governments push forward, new energy technology and pioneering projects are charging ahead.

As we look at all the moving parts, what are the ground realities? How do we take stock of the last three years? What is working and what is not? Where should we focus for the biggest and fastest impact?

Why Attend?

Engage with new-energy leaders in a thought-provoking and intense discussion on the questions facing decarbonization. We facilitate a closed-door, safe zone for candid discussions. Real discussions — no fluff. Register now.

We are looking forward to a powerful discussion with:

Panel Discussion

Mr. Anthony (Tony) Cottone, Vice President Finance, 1PointFive

Mr. Kristopher Roberson, Chief Operating Officer, CapturePoint

Mr. Omar Khayum, Founder and CEO, NewCarbon

Dr. Jamila Yamani, Director Climate & Energy, Salesforce

Mr. Lee Stockwell, General Manager – NA CCUS, Shell Energy Resources

Mr. Kenneth Wagner, Former Secretary of Energy & Environment, State of Oklahoma (Discussion Leader)

Mr. Don Leach, VP, Carbon Storage, Navigator CO2

Mr. Taimur (Taim) Shaikh, Energy Policy Advisor, US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Ms. Lauren Berry, Vice President, Sustainability & External Affairs, Lapis Energy

Mr. Conrad Müller-Klingspor, Director - Clean Fuels Business Development, Clearway Energy Group

Mr. Dmitry Serov, Chief Executive Officer, Hyroad Energy

Mr. Duncan Meade, Director - Strategy, Fundamentals & Emissions Reduction, Enbridge

Dr. Sandeep Kibey, Decarbonization Advisor, ExxonMobil

Mr. Jakob Krummenacher, Vice President of Clean Energy, LSB Industries

Mr. Tim Balombin, Managing Director, TD Securities

Mr. Bobby Tudor, Founder and CEO, Artemis Energy Partners

Mr. Scott Commons, VP Strategy & Development – Strategic Account Management, Wood

Upstream Oil & Gas Summit

Houston Strategy Forum

Upstream Oil & Gas Summit

Theme:“Upstream Dynamics”

Wednesday, April 3, 2024 ● 11:30 AM to 2:00 PM ● Petroleum Club, Downtown Houston

Detailed Description

Symposium Description

A fortune cookie quote says, “May You Live in Interesting Times.” The Oil & Gas Industry probably has received more than its fair share of those cookies. From predictions of peak supply to peak demand, the industry has been subject to contradictory bull and bear narratives. Each more convincing than the other.

What is the real story? How do you reconcile conflicting reports and viewpoints about market dynamics? Do you build a long-term strategy in this environment, or do you operate opportunistically with a view on the shorter to mid-term?

The focus on ESG and EV demand is moderating. How does it affect fossil fuel strategies? The industry is making progress on Scope 1 and 2 emissions. How much time and effort should the industry spend on addressing Scope 3?

The pandemic has been replaced with geopolitical risks and economic uncertainties. What does the wave of consolidations indicate and how are they affecting dynamics? How will actions by the Federal Reserve affect financial discipline and capital expenditures?

Why Attend the Summit?

Engage with upstream leaders in a thought-provoking, intense discussion on the questions facing the industry. We facilitate a closed door, safe zone for candid discussions. Real discussions — no fluff. Register now.

Our Speakers

Panel Discussion

Mr. Clay Bretches, Executive Vice President, Operations, Apache Corporation

Mr. Brian Groody, Vice President - OFS North America Land, Baker Hughes

Dr. Dean Foreman, Chief Economist, Texas Oil & Gas Association

Leadership & Management Symposium

Houston Strategy Forum

Leadership & Management Symposium

Theme:“Getting the Business-DNA Right”

Wednesday, March 6, 2024 ● 11:00 AM to 4:30 PM ● Petroleum Club, Downtown Houston

Detailed Description

About the Leadership-Management Symposium Series

The Houston Strategy Forum is hosting a frequent series of Leadership-Management Symposiums to vigorously discuss issues such as leadership development, business models, management doctrines, corporate alignment, and culture — issues that senior executives face as they diligently endeavor to help their organizations reach the next level.

The format of our symposiums is unique and different. We are not a presentation forum, we are a discussion forum. We do not invite the press and follow Chatham House Rules so we can have an open, safe dialog. No fluff. Real, probing discussions with not just speakers, but the attendees as well. Our goal is to have at least 75% of the attendees participate actively in the discussion.

Our speakers & attendees gain practical insights that cannot be gained from the superficial discussions at other conferences. While we have a lot of fun & humor in our discussions, we are serious about the issues we discuss.

At the forum, our mission is a vibrant community of smart business leaders who understand what it takes to lead companies, share openly about their mistakes, discuss vigorously, and help each other overcome their blind spots.

Symposium Description & Context — “Getting the Business-DNA Right”

The most powerfully successful companies have a clear, well-established Business-DNA. Having crystal clarity about the core aspects of the business and the business model through all levels of the organization makes it a force of nature. It becomes a self-propagating engine delivering sustained potential-exceeding performance.

To construct their unique Business-DNA organizations must carefully curate together a set of clear and cohesive business attributes. Business-DNA is a company’s fundamental foundation, and yet, in many companies, it is overlooked.

How much thought & effort has your company put into its Business-DNA?

Neglecting your Business-DNA

An unclear Business-DNA is the perennial cause of underperformance and missed opportunities.

In companies without a clear, established understanding of Business-DNA, the management team struggles with misalignment. It results in conflicting priorities/focus and inconsistent decision making. The corporate and departmental strategies are not cohesive, and the execution is arrhythmic. Internal dysfunction causes teams to undermine each other’s effort. Employees fail to comprehend the key business drivers, fostering a sense of uncertainty and disorientation.

What should your company do to improve its internal functioning?

Business-DNA is not Strategy

Vision and strategies change constantly. Business-DNA does not!

DNA can and does evolve, but it never thrashes around. If your DNA is changing constantly, you will face a corporate identity crisis and end up extinct. If your foundation keeps wobbling, your structure will crumble.

Impact of Business-DNA

In nature, DNA is the single biggest predictor of success. In business, DNA is what keeps the organization together and incisively focused, through growth & expansion, and through down-cycles. Business-DNA is your North Star, your core fabric, your unique molecular design. If your team does not understand and respect your molecular design, their contributions will do more harm than good.

CEOs and management teams must focus on getting the Business-DNA right as their #1 priority.

Why Attend the Symposium?

We envision a rigorous discussion on Business-DNA, exploring its components, understanding its power, and deciphering its impact to take organizations to the next level.

Join us to discuss with top leaders who represent the entire spectrum — some who have figured out Business-DNA and others who are starting now.

There isn’t a more important discussion that the Houston Strategy Forum can host. You will not find this topic discussed at other conferences. Make sure you are part of this discussion.

Join us. Your company’s future and your leadership-management career depend on it.

Our Speakers


Mr. Ravi Kathuria, Author, “How Cohesive is Your Company?”

Keynote (Fireside style chat) Discussion

Mr. Roderick A. Larson, President and Chief Executive Officer, Oceaneering

Panel Discussion

Mr. Jason Sanchez, CEO, ZXP Technologies

Mr. Neal Lux, President and Chief Executive Officer, Forum Energy Technologies

Mr. Brian Chalmers, President Growth & Development, Wood

Eleventh Annual Supply Chain Symposium

Houston Strategy Forum

Eleventh Annual
Supply Chain Symposium

Theme:“Creative Solutions for New & Old Challenges”

Wednesday, February 7, 2024 ● 11:30 AM to 4:30 PM ● Petroleum Club, Downtown Houston

Detailed Description

Symposium Context

The pandemic is behind us. Yet, supply chains across the globe are still dealing with critical shortages, significant delays and continued price escalation. Why is it taking longer than expected to solve the supply chain issues? When should we expect a return to a ‘normal’ balance of demand vs. supply? Which creative, perhaps radical approaches are needed to address these issues?

The world is again facing greater geopolitical risks, which have both immediate and long-term impacts on supply, including for global logistics. What new paradigms are required for supply chain organizations to succeed in highly uncertain times?

Further, while the intense focus on ESG has somewhat relented, the drive toward a low carbon economy is here to stay. How are supply chains retooling themselves via organization design, technology use, and resource development to meet the new operational, reporting, and other challenges?

Why Attend?

If you want to be on leading edge of supply chain, if you want to think strategically about supply chain and not just tactically, join these leaders who will discuss vigorously and openly in the Houston Strategy Forum’s unique format to share their vision, strategies, and challenges. Come share your experience and learn from the high-level executives who attend our events.

At the Houston Strategy Forum, we have real discussions — no fluff. Register now.

We are looking forward to a powerful discussion with:

Panel Discussion

Mr. Jim Apostolides, Senior Vice President Enterprise Operations & Excellence, Baker Hughes

Mr. Tarek Amine, Principal Vice President and Chief Supply Chain Officer, Bechtel

Mr. Denis M. Wolowiecki, Executive Managing Director, CAPS Research

Mr. Steve Freeman, Chief Procurement Officer, Chevron

Ms. Dea Chincuanco, President, dship Carriers

Ms. Lisa Haley, VP Supply Chain Strategy, NET Power

Mr. Micah Garrison, VP Supply Chain management, Patterson UTI

Mr. Abdellah Merad, EVP Core Services and Equipment, SLB

Leadership Conclave

Houston Strategy Forum


Friday, February 16, 2024 ● 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM ● Petroleum Club, Downtown Houston

Detailed Description

Conclave Description Theme: “Self-Fulfilment"

(Text version of the image above)

As a leader you have worked very hard to get where you are. However, you carry a tremendous weight on your shoulders. The constant pressure, stress and anxiety wears you thin.

You receive substantial rewards and accolades, but few appreciate the extreme risks and challenges that you must manage and the failures you must endure. You are constantly subject to intense scrutiny, judgment and criticism.

You are expected to have empathy and understanding for team members, but rarely do you receive support in your weak moments. It is lonely as a leader.

Given this backdrop, you must ask yourself —
• How do I rejuvenate and replenish myself?
• How do I access fulfillment in my life, that brings harmony to my career, business & personal relationships?
• How do I reconcile my life’s journey with past ambitions and my future desires and aspirations?
• How do I stop ignoring my wellbeing?

Executives who have attended Houston Strategy Forum discussions have reported their careers have greatly benefited because of what they have learned at our forums.

Why Attend

People aspire to be in leadership positions, but do not realize how taxing leadership can be.

Leaders must make sure they are constantly supporting their own emotional and other needs.

If you are a leader, come discuss in a unique and safe format the challenges you are facing, the feelings and emotions you cycle through.

This is an intimate, limited-group discussion. Make sure you reserve your place right away.

About Conclaves

Conclaves are intimate roundtable discussions where every participant contributes in their preferred manner. We follow Chatham House Rules so that the conclaves are conducted in a safe zone.

Carbon-Hydrogen Symposium

Houston Strategy Forum

Fourth Semi-Annual
Carbon-Hydrogen Symposium

Theme:“Making the Right Bets!”

Wednesday November 29, 2023 ● 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM ● Petroleum Club, Downtown Houston

Detailed Description

Symposium Context

In recent years, Energy Evolution and Decarbonization have received intense focus and attention. Companies have made a wide range of bets from renewable energy farms, direct air capture of CO2 to hydrogen production to get a piece of the $100 Trillion energy evolution market.

Many larger companies have embraced a strategy of “All the Above.” Is such a strategy still the most effective or could it lead to mediocre results? Is now the time to refine the bets or is too early in the cycle? If it is time to become selective, how would you make sure your company is making the right bets?

Many smaller companies are making significant progress as specialists in one area. They are going all-in on one of the bets. Specialist (bakery or wine store) or generalist (full-fledged grocery store) — which strategy would you recommend to your company? Which factors would you consider in making that strategic recommendation?

Join us at the symposium to brainstorm vigorously the ultimate strategies to win big in this $100 Trillion market.

Why Attend?

The decarbonization marketplace is changing fast. A wrong bet can prove to be expensive and a huge distraction. Engage with decarbonization pioneers in a closed-door, intense discussion on the bets, the opportunities, and the risks.

At the Houston Strategy Forum, we have real discussions — no fluff. Register now.

We are looking forward to a powerful discussion with:

Panel Discussion

1. Mr. Jonah Margulis, Head of North America, Aker Carbon Capture

2. Mr. Bobby Tudor, CEO, Artemis Energy Partners; Retired Founder and CEO, Tudor, Pickering, Holt

3. Mr. John Gunn, Global Operations Executive, Bechtel

4. Mr. Caleb Stephenson, SVP, Commercial Analytics, Calpine Corporation

5. Mr. Alex Tiller, CEO & President, Carbonvert

6. Mr. Austin Knight, Vice President, Hydrogen, Chevron New Energies

7. Mr. Danny Rehg, Co-Founder and CEO, Criterion Energy Partners

8. Mr. Dan Pratt, Sr. Executive Vice President - Energy Centers, DistributionNOW

9. Ms. Sandhya Ganapathy, CEO, EDP Renewables North America

10. Ms. Patricia Martinez, Chief Energy Transition Officer, Enerflex

11. Mr. Dilanka Seimon, Executive Vice President & Chief Commercial Officer, EnLink Midstream

12. Mr. Tyler Durham, Chief Development Officer, Navigator CO2

13. Ms. Leslie Beyer, Board Member, Patterson UTI

14. Mr. Nick Livingstone, Managing Director, Rystad Energy

15. Mr. Kenneth Wagner, Former Cabinet Secretary of Energy & Environment, State of Oklahoma

16. Mr. Angus King, Chief Development Officer, Summit Utilities

17. Mr. Damien Gerard, VP Carbon Capture and Storage, Carbon Solutions, SLB

18. Mr. Charles Fridge, Chief Executive Officer, Verde CO2

19. Mr. Scott Rennie, President & CEO, Vault 44.01

Management Philosophies Symposium

Houston Strategy Forum

Management Philosophies Symposium

Theme:“Intensifying Value-Creation”

Tuesday, October 31, 2023 ● 11:30 AM to 3:30 PM ● Petroleum Club, Downtown Houston

Detailed Description

Symposium Context

Increasing Value-Creation Exponentially

When a rough diamond is cut masterfully, its brilliance shines through, and its value increases dramatically. Cutting and polishing a diamond takes a sophisticated strategy, extreme skill and careful execution.

Companies are similar to diamonds. Only when their management philosophies are masterfully and thoughtfully crystallized does their brilliance begin to shine through and their success exponentially increases in the marketplace.

What are Management Philosophies?

Management philosophies encompass the business model and the non-negotiable aspects of a business that do not change regardless of economic cycles and marketplace changes. Management philosophies are part of the Business-DNA, they are part of the Company’s Foundation.

If you have weak, unstated or unclear management philosophies, you will never achieve the value-creation you envision.

If you study the greatest companies and countries in history, you will come to appreciate that the most critical cornerstone in their longevity and success was their management philosophies/Business-DNA.

Mediocre companies struggle with perennial strategic confusion, dysfunction and flawed execution because they do not invest the time and intellectual effort needed to crystallize their management philosophies. These companies work very hard, yet they struggle to achieve the results they desire.

Why Attend?

• Come to understand what are management philosophies and how it impacts the very foundation, the core building blocks of your company?

• Learn from other leaders how they have worked on defining their management philosophies so that their companies stand out from the competition.

• Crystallizing management philosophies is challenging work. Learn from other companies the mistakes they have made in understanding their true management philosophies and the epiphanies they have had.

• Bring your management team — this discussion will force your team to go through an introspection like no other discussion. This is business soul-searching at its best. It will set the stage for your strategic success in 2024.

Invite your management team and clients for this super-important and highly relevant discussion.

We are looking forward to a powerful discussion with:

Panel Discussion

• Mr. Tommy Najar, Executive Vice President, CRA

• Mr. Kyle Howard, President, EnSiteUSA

• Mr. Ryan Hummer, Chief Executive Officer, NCS Multistage

• Mr. Erik Wiik, President, ReAdapt

• Ms. Stephanie Hertzog, President, SiteOne

Customer Symposium

Houston Strategy Forum

Second Annual
Customer-Focused Symposium

Theme:“Driving Strategic Alignment using a Customer-Perspective”

Friday, September 29, 2023 ● 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM ● Petroleum Club, Downtown Houston

Detailed Description

Symposium Context

Many companies struggle with driving strategic alignment throughout the organization. The strategic focus bounces around from financial metrics to internal efficiency and other organizational metrics. Driving strategic alignment using a customer-driven perspective will transform how your organization competes and wins in the marketplace.

Research shows traditional high-level client conversations, sales interactions, and frontline employee feedback are often unable to identify the real drivers of customer value.

How are you making sure your organization is not developing strategies that fail due to misunderstood and misanalyzed customer drivers?

Why Attend?

On September 29, 2023, we are hosting a diverse group of speakers including large multi-billion-dollar company CEOs, mid-market CEOs, and academic leaders to discuss customer-driven strategic alignment. Come learn from them so you can take your organization to the next level. Share your experiences so you can sharpen your axe.

Invite your management team and clients for this super-important and highly relevant discussion.

We are looking forward to a powerful discussion with:

Keynote Fire-Side Discussions

• Mr. Sivasankaran “Soma” Somasundaram, President and Chief Executive Officer, ChampionX

• Mr. Jay Brown, Chief Executive Officer, Crown Castle

• Dr. Vikas Mittal, J. Hugh Liedtke Professor of Marketing, Rice University

Panel Discussion

• Mr. David O'Reilly, Chief Executive Officer, Howard Hughes

• Mr. Chris Jones, President, Swagelok Southeast Texas

• Mr. Jeff Hibbeler, CEO, Board Member, SPL

• Mr. David Paradis, CEO, Trillium Flow Technologies

Energy Evolution 21 Symposium

Houston Strategy Forum

Third Annual
Energy Evolution 21 Symposium

Theme:“Energy Evolution Mega-Trends”

Thursday, August 31, 2023 ● 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM ● Petroleum Club, Downtown Houston

Detailed Description

Symposium Context

Strategic Conversation with Mr. Danny Rice, successful, serial, energy entrepreneur; CEO of NET Power and Board Member, EQT.

Not “Energy Transition,” but “Energy Evolution.” In recent years, Energy Transition has gained popularity as a term, however, it is a narrow, limited view of the dynamics at play and severely underestimates the energy requirements that must be fulfilled, and the complexities involved.

We do not need a transition. We need an evolution.

At the Houston Strategy Forum, through the vigorous discussions at our recent symposiums, we have developed the concept of E21 (e-twenty-one) — Energy Evolution for the 21st Century. E21 is an overarching concept, providing greater clarity and context to address holistically humanity’s energy needs.

E21 encompasses enhancements and developments in multiple dimensions including:
Volume of Energy to meet the needs of a thriving and growing global economy
Sources and Diversity of Energy including zero-to-low-carbon fossil fuels, renewables, hydrogen, nuclear, hydropower, etc.
Reduction in the Environmental Impact of energy production, transportation, and consumption
Ensuring and enhancing of ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) objectives
Accessibility of Energy worldwide including in the remotest regions
Reliability of Energy during extreme weather events
Affordability of Energy , so even the poorest can afford it
Security of Energy
Energy efficiency
Reduction in Energy Waste
Profits Generation and growth of Commercial opportunities
Sense of Urgency to deliver on these dimensions

Energy is critical for the welfare of humanity and a thriving global economy. With great power comes great responsibility. Energy must be produced, transported, delivered, and consumed in a responsible and environmentally sound manner. We need ecosystems of companies, industries and regions working together to evolve and enhance the world’s energy capabilities.

On August 31, 2023, we are inviting the top leaders driving energy evolution. Our goal is to facilitate an open, thoughtful, and probing discussion on Energy Evolution for the 21st Century.

Humanity demands big thinking when it comes to E21! Join us to hear big ideas from our speakers and contribute your big ideas during the discussion.

We are looking forward to a powerful discussion with:

Keynote Fire-Side Discussions

• Mr. Lorenzo Simonelli, Chairman & CEO, Baker Hughes

• Mr. Danny Rice, Chief Executive Officer, NET Power; Board Member, EQT

Panel Discussion

• Mr. Ashish Sethia, Global Head of Commodities, Energy & Environmental Markets, BloombergNEF

• Ms. Nikki Martin, President, EnerGeo Alliance

• Mr. David Hartz, Head of US Land, Regulatory and Upstream Government Affairs, Equinor

• Dr. Matteo Pasquali, Director, Carbon Hub and A. J. Hartsook Professor, Rice University

Decarbonization Strategic Conclave

Houston Strategy Forum

Strategic Conclave

Thursday, July 27, 2023 ● 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM ● Petroleum Club, Downtown Houston

Detailed Description

Conclave Topic: "Barriers & Solutions to CCS Execution in the US"

Carbon capture and Storage (CCS) will play a big role in realizing the 2050 Net Zero goal. The magnitude of the problem demands accelerated progress. CCS must scale significantly. What are the challenges that are preventing the rapid progress of CCS? Which solutions should be adopted across the ecosystem to accelerate progress?

Join us for a vigorous, intellectually stimulating debate and discussion on CCS.

Executives who have attended Houston Strategy Forum discussions have reported their careers have greatly benefited because of what they have learned at our forums.

About Conclaves

These Strategic Conclave series are designed for an in-depth discussion with the goal of producing tangible takeaways. The conclave provides each participant the opportunity to shape the dialog and outcome of the discussions.

The conclaves work in tandem with our larger symposiums. We do a deeper dive at the conclaves on the ideas and topics discussed at the symposiums. At the symposiums, we roll up what we have learned at the conclaves and advance the discussion.

Conclaves are a great venue to learn from peers, present new ideas, debate ideas, sharpen your thoughts and messages, and improve the articulation of your ideas. The discussions are meant to stimulate your thinking and help you solve challenges you may be facing at work, with clients and partners.

3rd Semi-Annual Carbon Symposium

Houston Strategy Forum

3rd Semi-Annual
Carbon-Hydrogen Symposium

Theme:“Low Carbon Actualization”

Wednesday, May 17, 2023 ● 11:30 AM to 5:00 PM ● Petroleum Club, Downtown Houston

Detailed Description

Symposium Context

The drive to a lower carbon economy promises to deliver economic opportunity perhaps greater than the social media/tech revolution of the past decades. The carbon opportunity estimates range in the trillions of dollars!

The low carbon economy involves every industry sector and all the regions of the world. The sheer scale of the challenge and opportunity is mammoth. To realize that potential, the pace of progress must match or exceed the pace of breakneck progress that we witnessed in Silicon Valley.

What are the challenges in building the ecosystems, partnerships, and infrastructure needed to actualize low-carbon projects? Which companies are at the forefront of generating successful paradigms to execute projects, and push breakthroughs in technology and processes to make low-carbon initiatives succeed faster, better, and cheaper?

Is your company prepared to deliver? The Houston Strategy Forum is gathering top minds in the decarbonization business to discuss, debate, and challenge each other to think faster, think better, share more, and ultimately actualize projects and initiatives on a mammoth scale.

We are looking forward to a powerful discussion with:

Keynote Discussion

• Mr. Chris Kendall, President and Chief Executive Officer, Denbury

Panel Discussions

• Mr. Nigel Jenvey, Energy Transition Executive, CCUS, Hydrogen, Energy Storage, Baker Hughes

• Ms. Caitlin Tessin, Vice President, Strategy & Market Innovation, Enbridge

• Mr. Gary Schubak, Vice President, Business Development & Government Relations, Ekona Power

• Ms. Jane Stricker, Board Member, BCarbon; SVP, Houston Energy Transition Initiative

• Mr. Jon Grimmer, President, Verde CO2

• Mr. Matt Reeves, New Products & Strategy Integration, Low Carbon Solutions, ExxonMobil

• Mr. Parker Meeks, CEO, Hyzon

• Mr. Renato Pereira, Chief Executive Officer, HIF USA

• Mr. Matt W. Murdock, CEO & Founder, Raven SR

• Mr. Nathaniel Hartwig, VP North America, SLB New Energy

• Mr. David Hayes, Managing Director, Decarbonization Partners (Blackrock)

Upstream Symposium

Houston Strategy Forum

Sixth Annual
Upstream Oil & Gas Symposium

Theme:“Reinventing Upstream”

Wednesday, April 19, 2023 ● 10 AM to 3:00 PM ● Petroleum Club, Downtown Houston

Detailed Description

Symposium Context

The last seven years have been an extreme roller coaster ride for the Upstream Sector. As we look to the future, the Upstream Sector has a critically important role to play. Upstream energy production worldwide will be short of supply for years to come.

As the world prepares to meet the dual challenges of a climate crisis and an energy crisis, it is time to revisit and reinvent upstream strategies and execution.

How should the industry change its thinking and business model? Where should it focus? How should it execute and operate differently? How should it change its corporate culture? How should it change public perception?

On April 19, 2023, we are inviting top leaders of the Upstream Sector. Our goal is to facilitate an open, thoughtful, and probing discussion on new thinking and approaches.

We are looking forward to a powerful discussion with:

Onshore Panel

• Mr. Brian Groody, Vice President, OFS, Baker Hughes (Moderator)

• Mr. Dean Foreman, Chief Economist, American Petroleum Institute

• Mr. Clay Gaspar, EVP and Chief Operating Officer, Devon Energy

• Mr. Andy Hendricks, Chief Executive Officer, Patterson-UTI Energy

• Ms. Lyndal R.A. Cissell, President, Americas Land, SLB

Offshore Panel

• Mr. Erik Wiik, President, ReAdapt (Moderator)

• Ms. Maria Claudia Borras, Executive Vice President, Oilfield Services, Baker Hughes

• Mr. Andy Krieger, Senior Vice-President, Global Wells Organization, BP

• Mr. Jeremy D. Thigpen, Chief Executive Officer, Transocean

• Mr. Bill Langin, Senior Vice President - West / Deepwater Exploration, Shell

Tenth Annual Strategic Supply Chain Symposium

Houston Strategy Forum

Tenth Annual
Strategic Supply Chain Symposium

Theme:“Reinventing Supply Chain”

Tuesday, January 31, 2023 ● 11:30 AM to 4:30 PM ● Petroleum Club, Downtown Houston

Detailed Description

How do you deliver the three “R”s of Supply Chain —
Resilience, Responsiveness and Risk Management?

How do you become agile and responsive
in your thinking and actions,
so you can build a powerful career?

Symposium Context

Do increasingly volatile market dynamics and ESG goals require a reinvention of supply chain thinking and approaches?

The COVID pandemic and the Ukrainian war severely challenged even the most strategic and capable global supply chain organizations. Material and energy shortages persist, adding uncertainty to future fulfilment of goods and services.

As customer demand patterns and market dynamics become increasingly volatile, supply chains must adopt highly agile strategies to address uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity. Risk management has become a higher focus. Strategies such as global low-cost sourcing, volume aggregation, and just-in-time inventory, which were effective in the past, require rethinking and reinvention.

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) performance is becoming a key competitive advantage for companies. Regulations and investor pressure has made ESG a strategic boardroom imperative. Supply chain capabilities must transform to enable and successfully execute the corporation’s ESG initiatives.

Supply chain is finally being recognized for the strategic value it creates for companies and for the whole economy. It must now deliver.

Symposium Theme — “Reinventing Supply Chain”

Welcome to the Strategic Supply Chain Symposium. The Houston Strategy Forum is inviting top supply chain leaders to discuss reinventing supply chain. The age of a truly strategic supply chain has dawned. Come find out how companies are leading this critical change.

Panel Discussions

We are looking forward to a powerful discussion with:

• Mr. Denis M. Wolowiecki, Executive Managing Director, CAPS Research

• Ms. Pam Heminger, Senior Vice President, Strategic Procurement & Planning Division, Caterpillar

• Mr. Thiago Aracema, Sector Head EPC, Americas, DHL

• Mr. Phil Teijeira, VP & Chief Supply Chain Officer, Enbridge

• Ms. Pamela Kearney Skaufel, Vice President Procurement, ExxonMobil

• Mr. Raj Desai, Chief Procurement Officer, Fluor Corporation

• Mr. Dominic Sun, Trade Director, Port of Houston

• Mr. Greg McGavin, VP Global Supply Chain, Targa Resources

2nd Semi-Annual Carbon Symposium

Houston Strategy Forum

2nd Semi-Annual
Carbon Symposium

Theme:“Accelerating Decarbonization”

Thursday, December 8, 2022 ● 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM ● Petroleum Club, Downtown Houston

Detailed Description

Symposium Context

The world is facing both a climate crisis and an energy crisis. There is an acute energy shortage in certain regions, while the overall demand for energy rises year over year. The vagaries of weather are becoming more severe from devastating floods to heat waves and winter storms.

We need to “Think Big,” “Think Fast,” and “Execute Fast.” This is not just about a 2050 goal. It is about the rapid progress to 2050.

To avert a climate crisis, the whole ecosystem from energy producers and energy transporters to energy consumers must decarbonize. We must all come together and work together. The current slate of planned projects barely scratches the surface in reducing the 36 billion tonnes of CO2 the world emits each year.

We need innovation and execution at a level equivalent to what was required to land a man on the Moon.

Symposium Theme

The December symposium follows the Houston Strategy Forum’s successful May Carbon Symposium. Two items bubbled up during the discussions in May — Partnerships and Accelerating the Carbon Movement.

We have chosen “Accelerating Decarbonization” as the theme for the December Symposium.

How do we dramatically accelerate the pace and scale of CO2 and Hydrogen projects? How do we transform the industrial, manufacturing, power, transportation, and other ecosystems which are the biggest consumers of energy? What are the challenges and roadblocks, and the opportunities and lowest hanging fruit? What are the risks of over-acceleration?

How does the Inflation Reduction Act help accelerate decarbonization? Is it sufficient or will it require much more?

We are looking forward to a powerful discussion with:

Keynote Discussion

• Mr. Tim Duncan, President, CEO and Co-Founder, Talos Energy

Panel Discussions

• Mr. Nigel Jenvey, Energy Transition Executive, CCUS, Hydrogen, Energy Storage, Baker Hughes

• Ms. Miranda Jones, Vice President HSE&C Mobility & Convenience, Gas & Low Carbon Energy, Regions Cities & Solutions, BP

• Mr. Matias Saettone, General Manager Hydrogen Business Development, Chevron

• Mr. Venki Chandrashekar, Vice President, Research and Technology, Chevron Phillips Chemical Company

• Mr. Brad Handler, Researcher, Program Lead, Sustainable Finance Lab, Payne Institute for Public Policy, Colorado School of Mines

• Mr. Duncan Meade, Director of Strategy & Fundamentals, Enbridge

• Mr. Cecilio Velasco, Director, KKR

• Ms. Jeanne-Mey Sun, Vice President, Sustainability, NRG Energy

• Mr. Kenneth Wagner, Executive Director, Hamm Institute for American Energy, Oklahoma State University

• Mr. Nick Livingstone, Managing Director, Rystad Energy

• Mr. Damien Gerard, VP Carbon Capture and Storage, SLB

• Mr. Jonathan Wiens, Chief Executive Officer, Warwick Carbon Solutions

Breakthrough Symposium

Houston Strategy Forum

First Annual
Breakthrough Symposium

Theme:“Culture of Innovation”

Tuesday, November 8 ● 11:30 AM to 3:30 PM ● Petroleum Club, Downtown Houston

Detailed Description

Breakthrough Innovations

Over the course of history, breakthrough innovations have redefined the human quality of life and human capabilities. These breakthroughs changed the paradigm. What is NEXT? Which breakthrough innovations have the potential to redefine the way we live, play, work, do business, and find meaning and satisfaction in life?

The purpose of the Breakthrough Symposiums is to help encourage the pursuit of breakthroughs in every facet of work and life. Facilitate the discussion to help companies and teams foster a culture of breakthrough thinking. Innovation is the surest way to create superior value.

Culture of Innovation

Innovate — as if your life depends on it.

If you want a stellar career, you must innovate relentlessly! It does not matter what you do, management or operations, technology or sales, you must innovate.

If your company does not innovate, help it change its approach. If that is not possible, change the company you work for.

Innovation induces new energy and excitement. Live an exciting life.

If you want to be around industry leaders who innovate relentlessly, join us for the Breakthrough Symposium.

We are looking forward to a powerful discussion with:

Technology Panel Discussion

• Mr. Attilio Pisoni, Chief Strategy and Technology Officer, Oilfield Services, Baker Hughes

• Mr. Danny Rehg, Co-Founder and CEO, Criterion Energy Partners

• Mr. Robert E. Fast, Chief Technology Officer, Hess Corporation

• Mr. Konstanty Owczarek, VP, Strategy & Business Development - High Performance Computing & Artificial Intelligence, Hewlett Packard Enterprise

• Mr. David Reid, Chief Technology Officer and Chief Marketing Officer, NOV

• Mr. Daniel Kalms, EVP Technical Services & Chief Technology Officer, Woodside Energy

CIO Panel Discussion

• Ms. Maria O'Neill, Chief Information Officer, American Bureau of Shipping

• Mr. George Crawford, CIO, CISO, Partner, Catapult Energy Services Group

• Mr. Jim Bailey , Chief Information Officer, DCCM

• Mr. Ross Tucker, CIO, Texas United Management Corporation

Energy Evolution 21 Symposium

Houston Strategy Forum

Second Annual
Energy Evolution 21 Symposium

Theme:“Thinking Big!”

Tuesday, August 30, 2022 ● 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM ● Petroleum Club, Downtown Houston

Symposium Context

Not “Energy Transition,” but “Energy Evolution.” In recent years, Energy Transition has gained popularity as a term, however, it is a narrow, limited view of the dynamics at play and severely underestimates the energy requirements that must be fulfilled, and the complexities involved.

We do not need a transition. We need an evolution.

At the Houston Strategy Forum, through the vigorous discussions at our recent symposiums, we have developed the concept of E21 (e-twenty-one) — Energy Evolution for the 21st Century. E21 is an overarching concept, providing greater clarity and context to address holistically humanity’s energy needs.

E21 encompasses enhancements and developments in multiple dimensions including:
Volume of Energy to meet the needs of a thriving and growing global economy
Sources and Diversity of Energy including zero-to-low-carbon fossil fuels, renewables, hydrogen, nuclear, hydropower, etc.
Reduction in the Environmental Impact of energy production, transportation, and consumption
Ensuring and enhancing of ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) objectives
Accessibility of Energy worldwide including in the remotest regions
Reliability of Energy during extreme weather events
Affordability of Energy , so even the poorest can afford it
Security of Energy
Energy efficiency
Reduction in Energy Waste
Profits Generation and growth of Commercial opportunities
Sense of Urgency to deliver on these dimensions• We invite you to add additional dimensions…

Energy is critical for the welfare of humanity and a thriving global economy. With great power comes great responsibility. Energy must be produced, transported, delivered, and consumed in a responsible and environmentally sound manner. We need ecosystems of companies, industries and regions working together to evolve and enhance the world’s energy capabilities.

On August 30th, we are inviting the top leaders of major organizations that produce, transport, deliver, and importantly consume energy. In addition, we are inviting leaders of organizations that serve these industries and help facilitate the value creation. Our goal is to facilitate an open, thoughtful and probing discussion on Energy Evolution for the 21st Century.

Humanity demands big thinking when it comes to E21! Join us to hear big ideas from our speakers and contribute your big ideas during the discussion.

We are looking forward to a powerful discussion with:

Opening Keynote Discussion

• Ms. Gretchen Watkins, President, Shell USA

Closing Keynote Discussion

• Ms. Melody Meyer, Board Member, BP, AbbVie, NOV

Panel Discussion

• Mr. Tom Reichert, Global CEO, ERM

• Mr. Parker Meeks, President and Interim CEO, Hyzon Motors

• Mr. Corey Hessen, President, Power & Storage, TC Energy

• Mr. Luca Zanotti, President, Tenaris

Carbon Strategies Symposium

Houston Strategy Forum

Carbon Strategies

Theme:“New Carbon Economy – Why, What & How?”

Thursday, May 12, 2022 ● 11:30 AM to 6:00 PM ● OMNI Houston – Galleria Area

Symposium Context

A significant realignment of expectations has propelled the world’s energy companies to the forefront of the low carbon economy transition. The world’s energy cycle is undergoing a significant transformation and all options are on the table. How energy is discovered, produced, and consumed within planetary boundaries is top of mind with stakeholders, investors and within board rooms.

Managing carbon while delivering reliable energy to meet growing demand is a huge opportunity for the oil and gas industry. Amid these ever-increasing demands from investors, lenders, and customers, which strategies should energy companies adopt to decarbonize their operations and diversify their product portfolios to achieve net-zero across the value chain? How should they track and account for carbon?

Energy reinvention is here! How are we going to seize the moment to create the environmentally safe value that society and shareholders expect?

Our Panel Speakers

• Ms. Susan Angyal, CEO, North America, Environmental Resources Management

• Mr. Nicholas Gole, Senior Managing Director, Macquarie Capital

• Mr. Ed Graham, Vice President Ventures, Low Carbon Solutions, ExxonMobil

• Mr. Omar Khayum, Vice President, Head of Renewables, TC Energy

• Mr. James R. McDonald, President, Americas Land, Schlumberger

• Ms. Caitlin Tessin, Vice President, Strategy & Market Innovation, Enbridge

• Mr. Anthony Cottone, Sr. Director - Strategy & Sustainability, Occidental

• Mr. Aaron Doughty, Managing Director, Emerging Energy, Phillips 66

• Ms. Robin Fielder, Executive Vice President, Low Carbon Strategy & Chief Sustainability Officer, Talos Energy

• Mr. Steve Gassen, Senior Vice President, Carbon Solutions, Schlumberger

• Mr. Chris Powers, Vice President, Carbon Capture, Utilization, & Storage (CCUS), Chevron New Energies

• Mr. Dilanka Seimon, Vice President, Alternative Energy, Energy Transfer


Upstream Symposium

Houston Strategy Forum

Fifth Annual
Upstream Oil & Gas Symposium

Theme:“Preparing for the Super-Cycle?”

Wednesday, April 6, 2022 ● 10 AM to 5:00 PM ● Petroleum Club, Downtown Houston

Symposium Context

Several oil & gas analysts have forecasted the scenario of a multi-year super-cycle in oil. In the midst of the pandemic, many analysts including the Economist magazine had called the end of the oil era and declared demand will never grow again. If the current multi-year high prices for natural gas and oil are any indication the future may surprise us yet again.

Is there going to be a super-cycle for oil? Or is it hyperbole? Which strategies should the oil & gas industry adopt? How should companies prepare themselves if a super-cycle manifests into a reality? How will energy transition and ESG considerations play a role in such strategies. How can the industry achieve both — deliver energy to meet the needs of a potential super-cycle while fulfilling ESG considerations?

These are important questions which will impact the industry, the Houston region, and the global economy. The Houston Strategy Forum is inviting the top executives for a vibrant discussion, so we can all prepare better. Participate in this important discussion at the Upstream Strategic Symposium.

Keynote Discussions

• Mr. Greg Hill, President and Chief Operating Officer, Hess Corporation

• Mr. Liam M Mallon, President, Upstream Oil & Gas, ExxonMobil

Onshore Panel

• Mr. Steve Chesher, Vice President, Drilling, EQT

• Ms. Helen Currie, Chief Economist, ConocoPhillips

• Mr. Dean Foreman, Chief Economist, API

• Mr. Greg Lalicker, Chief Executive Officer, Hilcorp Energy

• Mr. Daniel N. Wesson, Executive Vice President, Operations, Diamondback Energy

Offshore Panel

• Mr. Richard Clark, President, Gulf of Mexico Business Unit, Kosmos Energy

• Mr. David Hartz, Head of Land, Regulatory and Government Affairs, Equinor

• Ms. Tracey Henderson, Senior Vice President, Exploration, Apache Corporation

• Ms. Kim McHugh, Vice President, Wells, Chevron


Project-Strategies Summit

Houston Strategy Forum

Project Strategies Summit

Theme:“Strategies for Repeatable Project Success”

Tuesday, March 1, 2022 ● 11:30 AM to 2:00 PM ● Petroleum Club, Downtown Houston

Symposium Context

What does it take to deliver a consistent string of project successes?

Even in this age of super technology and well-thought-out best practices, according to many studies, projects struggle to deliver on stated objectives. Which are the key drivers that affect the success of a project? Can you manage and execute projects with the efficiency and predictability of an assembly line?

What are project-driven businesses doing to build cohesive strategies for executing projects that deliver repeatable and consistent performance?

Panel Speakers

• Mr. Steve Conway, SVP, Process Chemicals Americas, Wood

• Mr. Jim Ellis, VP Global Construction, Microsoft Corp

• Mr. Pasquale (Pat) Ficara, Vice President - Global Projects, LyondellBasell

• Mr. Brandon Spencer, Division President, ABB

• Mr. Rod Ragan, President, Energy Allied International

• Mr. Erik Wiik, President, ReAdapt


Supply Chain Symposium

Houston Strategy Forum

Ninth Annual
Supply Chain Symposium

Theme:“Leading Change”

Friday, February 4, 2022 ● 11:30 AM to 3:30 PM ● Petroleum Club, Downtown Houston

Symposium Context

The pandemic forced every supply change to change. Leading change is a difficult challenge even for the best of leaders.

The Oil & Gas sector has been going through extreme volatility. Some forecast a multi-year, super-cycle in the future. Others predict supply will overwhelm demand and cause prices to head back down. One thing is sure -- volatility will continue in the future. Oil & Gas Supply Chains must learn to evolve faster than the market. Leading change clearly and cohesively is super-critical for the survival and thrival of this industry!

The Houston Strategy Forum is inviting top O&G supply chain executives to participate in an interactive and vigorous discussion on leading change.

Owner/Operator Panel

• Mr. Steve Freeman, Chief Procurement Officer, Chevron

• Mr. Tom Sims, VP Global Supply Chain and CPO, Hess Corporation

• Mr. Colin Stevenson, Chief Procurement Officer, ConocoPhillips

Supplier Panel

• Ms. Gwen Boyault, VP Planning and Supply chain, Schlumberger

• Mr. Bertrand Frischmann, Senior Vice President, Vallourec

• Mr. Peter Goebel, Vice President, Procurement and Supply Chain, Nabors Industries

• Mr. Dan Pratt, Sr. Executive Vice President - Energy Centers, DistributionNOW

• Mr. Jerry Wilie, Vice President Global Procurement, Materials, and Logistics, Halliburton


Strategic Planning Workshop

Houston Strategy Forum

Strategic Planning

Theme:“Develop Your STRATEGY for 2022”

Tuesday, December 14, 2021 ● 11:30 AM to 3:30 PM ● Petroleum Club, Downtown Houston

Workshop Context

After the brutal pandemic, 2022 is expected to be an up-cycle year for the Houston economy.

Make sure you use the “right” strategic planning process to ensure your team is ready to maximize its performance in 2022. Traditional strategic planning methods are inadequate in addressing all the moving parts in an organization.

Join us for this workshop, where we will help every participant develop a strategy for their team/business unit/company or one for their own career growth.

The workshop's open discussions have been an eye-opening experience for past attendees.

Workshop Leader

Mr. Ravi Kathuria, President, Houston Strategy Forum, will guide the participants in answering key, thought-provoking questions regarding their business and translate them into strategic principles. He will help participants operationalize their strategic thrust for 2022.

The workshop will be based on the comprehensive management method — The Cohegic MethodTM. It is a powerful, holistic method that will put your strategic thinking on a stronger foundation and help your organization ensure Clarity and Cohesion, the two most important drivers for sustained success.


Global Gas & LNG Symposium

Houston Strategy Forum

Global Gas & LNG

Theme:“Future of Global Gas & LNG”

Thursday, November 11, 2021 ● 11:30 AM to 3:30 PM ● Petroleum Club, Downtown Houston

Symposium Context

In recent weeks, US natural gas prices have soared due to hot weather & LNG export boom. Outages and strong demand in Asia, Latin America, and Europe have driven LNG prices to levels not seen since 2015.

Natural gas is projected to be the only fossil fuel that will see substantial demand growth over the next two decades. The US is the biggest producer and consumer of natural gas in the world. The U.S. is also the world’s fastest-growing LNG exporter. Last year the U.S. was the 3rd largest LNG exporter, but just five years earlier the U.S. ranked 18th globally in LNG exports.

Global electricity demand is growing faster than renewables, driving strong increase in generation from fossil fuels. How big a role will natural gas and LNG have in decarbonizing the world?

What is the long-term future of natural gas & LNG? What are the competitive threats to gas and LNG? How big a role will renewables play? What will be the role of Hydrogen?

How are companies in the gas sector positioning themselves to create innovative value? Are there new and exciting applications for natural gas?

How could technology help supply chains deal with black swan events like the pandemic?

We are looking forward to hosting the following esteemed speakers in a powerful discussion:

• Mr. Raj Mohindroo, President, Global Gas & LNG Strategies LLC (conference chair)

• Mr. Paul Bieniawski, Chief Executive Officer, Enstor (confirmed)

• Mr. Marco Caccavale, VP of Sales Turbomachinery & Process Solutions, Baker Hughes (confirmed)

• Mr. Nicholas Gole, Senior Managing Director, Macquarie Capital (confirmed)

• Ms. Michele Harradence, Senior Vice President and Chief Operations Officer, Gas Transmission and Midstream Business Unit, Enbridge (confirmed)

• Mr. David E. Jetter, Partner, Baker Botts (confirmed)

• Mr. Omar Khayum, Vice President, TC Energy (confirmed)

• Mr. Keith Meyer, President & CEO, LNG Central (confirmed)


Energy Transition Strategic Conclave

Houston Strategy Forum

Energy Transition
Strategic Conclave

Wednesday, October 27, 2021 ● 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM ● Petroleum Club, Downtown Houston

Strategic Conclave Context

The September 29, 2021, Energy Transition Symposium generated a vibrant, robust, and at times, respectful but slightly contentious discussion. The feedback from the attendees was phenomenal with requests for follow up meetings to take the discussion forward.

These Strategic Conclave series are designed for an in-depth discussion with the goal of producing tangible takeaways. The conclave provides each participant the opportunity to shape the dialog and outcome of the discussions.

Conclaves are a great venue to learn from peers, present new ideas, debate ideas, sharpen your thoughts and messages, and improve the articulation of your ideas. The discussions are meant to stimulate your thinking and help you solve challenges you may be facing at work, with clients and partners.


Energy Transition Symposium

Houston Strategy Forum

Energy Transition
Strategic Symposium

Theme:“The Beginning of an Era”

Wednesday, September 29, 2021 ● 11:30 AM to 2:30 PM ● Petroleum Club, Downtown Houston

Symposium Context

Energy transition is becoming a top focus area for oil and gas companies. Every transition has its challenges. How does the industry ensure a smooth and successful transition?

Which initiatives have companies put in place to achieve energy transition? What is the level of focus, commitment, and what are the criteria for success? How is the organization design, and skills set being retooled?

How should the US develop a policy that will help companies achieve successful energy transition? Which factors – environmental, regulation & policy, activism, financial investments, new generational thinking – will prove to be the most potent in driving and sustaining energy transition? How should the different sources of energy be prioritized? Which hold the biggest promise, and the biggest risk?

We are looking forward to hosting the following esteemed speakers in a powerful discussion:

• Mr. William J. (John) Berger, Chairman, President and CEO, Sunnova (confirmed)

• Ms. Leslie Beyer, CEO, Energy Workforce and Technology Council (confirmed) (moderator)

• Ms. Stephanie Cox, Executive President Operations, Wood (confirmed)

• Mr. Paul Doucette, Energy Transition Executive, Policy & Stakeholder Engagement Leader, Baker Hughes

• Mr. Ravi Kathuria, President, Houston Strategy Forum (confirmed) (host & moderator)

• Mr. Charles McConnell, Executive Director, Carbon Management and Energy Sustainability, University of Houston; Former Assistant Secretary, U.S. Department of Energy (confirmed)

• Mr. Jay McKenna, Chief Executive Officer, Nacero Inc. (confirmed)


2021 Supply Chain Strategic Symposium

Houston Strategy Forum

Eighth Annual
Supply Chain
Strategic Symposium

Theme: “Never Waste a Global Crisis!”

Wednesday, May 5, 2021 ● 11:30 AM to 3:30 PM ●
Hybrid Venue: In-person (Petroleum Club, Houston, TX) + Zoom Virtual Meeting


2021 Upstream Strategic Symposium

Houston Strategy Forum

Upstream Strategic Symposium

Theme: “Upstream Dynamics”

Tuesday, March 30, 2021 ● 11:30 AM to 5:00 PM ● Hybrid Meeting – Petroleum Club, Downtown Houston + Zoom Virtual Meeting



Houston Strategy Forum

Seventh Annual
Strategic Supply-Chain Symposium


Tuesday, December 15, 2020 ● 11:30 AM to 2:00 PM ● VIRTUAL ZOOM MEETING

Conference Description

No Hollywood script writer could have envisioned 2020: The pandemic, the OPEC price-war, oil at negative $37. The year 2020 followed a series of down years for the Oil & Gas sector. How should the sector and the supply chain functions reinvent?

1. What are the supply chain strategies for 2021? What are the priorities? 2. How are supply chain organizations redesigning themselves? 3. How are they fulfilling talent needs? How is racial diversity and supplier diversity playing a role in the strategy? 4. Which technologies will help reinvent supply chain capabilities? 5. Has the five-year downturn and the pandemic made supply chain less or more strategic in the corporation? What will be the drivers of its value proposition going forward? 6. What role do environmental impact issues play in supply chain strategy and execution?

Conference Chair

Mr. Mark McDaniel



Panel Discussion Speakers

Mr. Marty Brotschul

Partner – Energy and Resources


Mr. R. Dean Foreman, Ph.D.

Chief Economist

American Petroleum Institute

Mr. Steve Freeman

Chief Procurement Officer


Mr. Jeremy Hill

Vice President, Global Supply Chain



Strategic Roundtable: “Mitigating Stress”


Virtual Roundtable Description

The pandemic and economic pressures have increased our stress to the highest levels in years. One method of dealing with stress is to talk about it and deconstruct it.

Let us get together to discuss the ideas and methods each one of us is employing to cope with stress. Hopefully, we can help each other reduce our stress.

If you are experiencing serious bouts of stress and anxiety, please seek help for medical professionals.


Summit: “Building a Sales Engine”


Summit: “Sales Strategies for 2020”


Strategic Roundtable: “Strategy for Life”

We spend a lot of time and effort building strategies for our business, but we do not spend time thinking about the strategy for our lives. 
Is there something more important to us than our own lives? Then, why don’t we think about what we want from our lives. What drives us? What are our deepest yearnings? Are our actions in business and family-life consistent with those yearnings, or are we pursuing things that are contrary to our deepest yearnings?
Would you like to take the time to stop and reflect? How can you make life more fulfilling for you in 2020?
Join us at the Houston Strategy Forum so we can discuss the mother of all strategies – the strategy of our own lives! 


Strategic Workshop: “Business DNA”

This workshop is limited to a small group. It allows for personal attention to each participant.

This workshop's deliverable is a blueprint for your Business DNA that you can immediately use to drive clarity and cohesion in your business.

The discussion during this workshop will help you answer the difficult questions you are facing in your business, and appreciate aspects of the business you may be overlooking. The goal is to help you succeed faster.


Deepwater Symposium


2019 Titans of Houston


2019 Technology & Innovation Symposium

Technology & Innovation Symposium

Theme: "Application and Adoption"

Wednesday, October 24, 2018 • 11:30 AM to 4:00 PM • Petroleum Club

Oil & Gas Technology - Panel Discussion Speakers

Mr. Steve Barrett
Senior Vice President, Business Development

Mr. David Forbes
General Manager, Global Wells
Ms. Sha-Chelle Manning
‎Director, Corporate Innovation
Pioneer Natural Resources
Mr. David Reid
Chief Marketing Officer
National Oilwell Varco

Chief Information Officer - Panel Discussion Speakers

Mr. Jesse Carrillo
Senior Vice President, Chief Information Officer

Mr. Paul Krueger
Vice President, Chief Information Officer
J.B. Poindexter & Co
Mr. Wayne Shurts
‎Executive Vice President & Chief Technology Officer
Mr. Charles Thompson
Chief Information Officer
Port of Houston

2018 Theme: "Innovation Adoption & Application"

Come discuss how companies are leveraging technology and innovation to create value externally for their customers, and drive productivity internally. This symposium focuses on the stories of extraordinary value creation. We do not want to talk about technology, we want to talk about how technology is making a difference.

Innovation dies on the vine without adopters. Which Houston companies are fostering adoptive corporate cultures and innovative mindsets to become the best in their sector? What do you think: Are executives in Houston becoming more open-minded, willing to take more risks, and less fearful of failure?

Through a lively discussion, you’ll hear a meaningful discourse between the speakers and attendees. The Houston Strategy Forum is inviting top business leaders, and we want to hear your stories. Let us “engage minds” on Wednesday, October 24, at the Petroleum Club in Downtown Houston.


2019 Customer Conference

Customer Conference

Theme: "Customer-Driven DNA"

Thursday, May 31, 2018 • 9:30 AM to 4:00 PM • Petroleum Club

  Keynote Discussion

Mr. Scott Kirby
United Airlines

"Customer-Driven DNA"— Panel Discussion

Dr. Eli Jones
Dean, Mays Business School
Texas A&M

Mr. Joe Rovig
President, Rig Systems and Rig Aftermarket
National Oilwell Varco
Mr. Andrew Stewart
‎Chief Executive Officer
Wood Americas
Mr. Robert Workman
President and Chief Executive Officer

 "Ground Realities"— Panel Discussion

Mr. Randy Bowen
Manager of Projects
Phillips 66

Mr. Danny Farler II, P.E., P.M.P
Engineering Manager, Permian Unconventional

Mr. Douglas Fieldgate
Vice President, Asset support, Oil and Gas

Mr. Matthew Isbell
Drilling Advisor

Ms. Michelle Mitchell
Operational Excellence & HES Advisor

Mr. Subodh Saxena
Senior Vice President
Nabors Industries

Ms. Maggie Seeliger
Senior Vice President, Strategy and Marketing, Oil & Gas

"DNA Test"— Audience Discussion

Dr. Vikas Mittal
Professor of Marketing, Jones School of Business
Rice University

Dr. Shrihari (Hari) Sridhar
Professor of Marketing, Texas A&M
Rice University

2018 Theme: "Customer-Driven DNA"

Many companies claim to be customer-focused, 
but simply limit it to customer interface and service. 

A systemic focus on customers must permeate all aspects of a company starting with the alignment of the mission and vision with customer imperatives.

  • What are your customer imperatives, and how do your offerings address them? 
  • Has your company’s mission and vision incorporated customer needs clearly and thoroughly? 
  • How well does your company deliver on your brand promise? 
  • What are the right metrics to track your customer focus? 
  • And last, but not the least, how can you measure if a customer-focused strategy is increasing customer loyalty, pricing power, sales, margins, and EBITDA? 

The Houston Strategy Forum has invited top business leaders to discuss and share ideas on how their customers drive their strategic focus and corporate DNA. Come join us with your management team to discuss and learn from each other.


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We have hosted spectacular events for 11 years.
We have facilitated insightful discussions with Top executives, while engaging the attendees in a format not seen anywhere else!

Come experience it.