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HomeArticle: Super Bowl of Business Execution


Super Bowl of Business Execution


Only the teams that execute their plays flawlessly stand a chance of winning the National Football League's Super Bowl. That fundamental truth applies as much to football as it does to business.


Execution Ingredients

Flawless execution involves discipline, focus, sense of urgency, and resonance. Execution is not about brute force. Brute force works for short bursts, but it is unsustainable in the long term. Brute force can quickly become unproductive. It can lead to internal skirmishes, emotional wear and tear, and burnt-out team members.

Discipline and Consistency

Execution requires strict discipline. Companies often fail to take their ideas to fruition, because they lack follow through. They celebrate their "big idea" executives more than the executives who quietly, behind the scene make it happen. In such companies, ideas are typically launched with great fanfare, only to be lost in the day-to-day fire fighting, never reaching culmination.


“Flawless execution is not

achieved by accident.”


Celebrating big moves is human nature. As the viewing public, we tend to enjoy and celebrate more the quarterback who occasionally throws an eighty yard pass than a quarterback who boringly but consistently moves the ball forward ten yards with each play. Football and business victories are achieved not on occasional showmanship but on the shoulders of consistent and disciplined execution.






Execution requires a vigilant effort to stay focused and to make progress in spite of compelling organizational distractions. For instance, if the visiting team has to win, it has to learn to tune out the roar and visible displeasure of the home crowd, and not let any referee bias toward the home team affect its concentration.


Sense of Urgency

Teams that win big do not wait until the second half or the last few minutes of the game's fourth quarter to show their top form. The big winners apply themselves from the start and maintain the pressure on the opponent. Companies must instill a sense of urgency that becomes part of the organizational fabric rather than be driven only by events such as the end of a calendar quarter or a looming deadline. The best teams do not come from behind to win, they maintain an infallible lead.


Flawless execution is not achieved by accident. It is not driven by serendipity. A team that has not practiced diligently during the regular season and perfected its strategy, will find it difficult to rally at the last minute and beat the opponent's superior execution. The strengths of talent, teamwork, coaching and superior strategies must be harnessed in a systematic and cohesive manner to prepare the team so it can perform at its best level. The team must constantly be reminded that execution is the goal. They might be very talented, but if they cannot coordinate on the field and deliver results, that talent is of little use.



Prepare and win your company's Super Bowl of business execution every time. The teams that understand execution, execute with a lethal rhythm. They are unfazed by the success or failure of the previous play or the previous game. They focus only on the present play and the present game. Their resonance is their real strength. They become an engine, an engine with the right hum. Unstoppable and unbeatable.


Ravi Kathuria 
A recognized thought leader, Kathuria has been quoted in various publications including The Wall Street Journal, Barron's, WorldNews, and featured on the BusinessMakers show, CBS Radio, Nightly Business Report, and is a monthly columnist for the SmartBusiness Magazine.

Kathuria is the author of the highly acclaimed management and leadership parable, "HOW COHESIVE IS YOUR COMPANY?".It is a realistic and intense story of how a CEO struggles to transform the business and, in the process, struggles with his personal transformation. He is also the author of "Happy Soul. Hungry Mind."

Kathuria is the founder and president of  Cohegic Corporation, a management consulting, executive coaching and sales coaching firm. Halliburton, Hewlett-Packard, St. Lukes Episcopal Health System, AT&T, and Imperial Sugar Company executives have co-published seminal business articles with Kathuria in the Houston Business Journal on sales effectiveness, performance, corporate culture, and change management.

Invited to speak at large conferences and corporate meetings, Kathuria is a thought provoking and vivacious speaker. He has spoken at the 5th Annual Veterans Entrepreneurship Conference, Rice University, Business Forum on Emerging Markets, University of Houston's Wolff Center For Entrepreneurship, University of Texas' Fleming Center for Healthcare Management, Institute of Internal Auditors, Dover Club, Galleria Chamber of Commerce, American Business Women's Association, French American Chamber of Commerce, Business Resources Group, Financial Executives Networking Group, Silver Fox Advisors, Houston Technology Center and the 2011 SPE Americas E&P Health, Safety, Security, and Environmental Conference.